Thrift store german salt and pepper shakers!

Day of the Dead scene..I painted the plywood mini alter, the figures were from my old store, the bells are found and I've come to save all of the beer caps from bottles, and then store them inside an old corona bottle..just love all of the colors!

This is a snippet of a painting that my husband and I inherited from his grandparents...

Love this one..postcard from my mom..celebrating the wedding day..:)

I found this watercolor for a quarter at a fabric thrift store..reminds me of San Francisco in the very early days..
I'm totally addicted to stuff. It comes from a long line of stuff hunters and collectors in my family. I love thrift stores, buying things for 10 cents..finding cool stuff in dumpsters or free boxes left on the side of the road. I have a favorite thrift store that supports our local hospice program..and I feel like a pirate with sparkly booty everytime I leave..I'm also a good rescue home for homely leftovers from the rest of my family and friends..what? You want to get rid of That? I'll take it! :)