So, if you have seen the Memories Mists Eclipse video on my YouTube page (link is to the right), then you'll recognise these samples. These were all made with the same technique of spraying mists on glossy tags and "smooshing" them together. The one above is my favorite..so far..in person it has all of these little channels of metallic that run through it. Meow...Now, if you haven't seen the vid..hurry up and watch it! :) tee hee.

This is one of the tag sets from the video. This is a combination of Strawberry Daiquiri, Iced Coffee, Pink Lemonade and Copper Shimmer..I don't know how or why I got the two faces..but I love the sphinx like quality!

This is the second tag set from the video. This one is a combination of an all Diet Cola (black) sprayed tag and one with just copper. After the pull apart I added Whipped Cream and then some colors..the colors pick right up on the Whipped Cream (white) and just pop!

This one also has the whipped cream and color pop!

This is an example of 4-5 layers of different colors. I just love the way they run together and then dry that way!


This one had a little bit of Ultra Clean cleaner sprayed on top..it makes the colors retract and you get this awesome space-y like background..:)

This one is Blue Martinie, Lavender Tea and Merlot on one tag, Whipped Cream all over the other tag and then "smooshed"..too cool.

I love this one..I call it Emperor...I see a penguin..:)

Another version of Ultra Clean sprayed after the "smoosh"

This one was one spray of Martini and then all black on one tag and then only Whipped cream on the other tag..the "smoosh" also seems to be sensitive to where your fingers are on the tag when you pull them apart..I think that's how I got the spiral in the center..I had my fingers firmly pressed right there in the center..

This is a sample of when you use a lot less ink...subtly beautiful.

This is a Gustav Klimt painting, Bluhender Garten...I don't think he had Mists..but o what he would have done with them! :)