A day early..but I already know I won't be posting tomorrow. Turkey grease doesn't go well with plastic keyboard keys..so, anyhow, I'm making my final rounds round the house. Lil bit's of cleaning and organizing. Seriously, if it weren't for guests..you might see me on Oprah as a craft hoarder! This is my one motivation for housework..impressing my relatives. Anybody out there know what I mean? Besides you, Jen..:)

This is some of the stuff I got from two peas...die cut birds, chipboard crowns and felt birds and branches...the Mists are already mine! :)
So, I thought before I lose another month..I'd post a little pic of what I've been working on..this is our busy season, and I'm doing a lot of artwork for our impending catalog and show booth..so I can't always just put up what I just made. Some stuff I have to "save" for later..but, I am playing a lot lately with fabric. I love all of those overly graphiced t-shirts and shirts that everybody seems to wearing..so I tried my hand at a sweatshirt..this is my first one;

many, many more to follow...
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